Wednesday 16 October 2013

Beautiful garden in Kyoto , Japan:

Saihō-ji is a Rinzai Zen Buddhist temple located in Matsuo, Nishikyō Ward, Kyoto, Japan. The temple, which is famed for its moss garden, is commonly referred to as "Koke-dera" , meaning "moss temple", while the formal name is Kōinzan Saihō-ji. The temple, primarily constructed to honor Amitabha, was first founded by Gyōki and was later restored by Musō Soseki. In 1994, Saihō-ji was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as part of the "Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto.According to temple legend, Saihō-ji was constructed during the Nara Period by Gyōki, on the location of one of Prince Shōtoku's former retreats. The temple first operated as a Hossō temple dedicated to Amitabha, and was known as "Saihō-ji" , a homophone of the current name. The name was selected because Amitabha is the primary buddha of Western Paradise, known in Japanese as "Saihō Jōdo" . Legend states that such famous Japanese monks as Kūkai and Hōnen later served as the chief priests of the temple.Although the veracity of these legends is questionable, it is believed that such a predecessor to the current temple did, in fact, exist.Over time, the temple fell into disrepair, and in 1339, the chief priest of the nearby Matsunoo Shrine, Fujiwara Chikahide, summoned the famous Japanese gardener Musō Soseki to help him revive Saihō-ji as a Zen temple. At this time, Musō decided to change the temple's name, to reflect its new Zen orientation. The temple became "Saihō-ji" , the name being selected not only because it was a homophone of the original name, but also because the kanji were used in phrases related to Bodhidharma: "Bodhidharma came from the West" and "Bodhidharma's teachings shall spread and come to bear fruit like a five-petaled flower". Saihō-ji was destroyed by fire during the Ōnin War,and twice ravaged by floods during the Edo Period, but has since been rebuilt.Ironically, the moss for which the temple is known was not part of Musō's original design. According to French historian François Berthier, the garden's "islands" were "carpeted with white sand" in the fourteenth century. The moss came much later, of its own accord during the Meiji era, when the monastery lacked sufficient funds for upkeep.Until 1977, the temple was open to admission to the general public on a walk-up basis, as with other temples, but at present, while it is still open to the public, a number of hurdles are in place, which limit the number of visitors. It is said that these regulations were put into place in order to protect the delicate moss from the hordes of tourists that plagued the temple prior to 1977.
Firstly, reservations are required by prior application by return postcard;as of May 2010 they prefer for the application to arrive up to 7 working days prior to the intended visit at the temple; there is only one visit per day, with visit time varying, so time of visit cannot be specified. Secondly, the fee to visit the temple is the highest in Kyoto. Thirdly, visitor are given access to the grounds for 90 minutes. Fourthly, before being permitted access to the garden, visitors must engage in an activity, which varies from day to day – these include zazen , hand copying sutras, and chanting sutras. One is then also asked to write down one's wish, name, and address. The monks keep all the sutras in the pagoda and continue to pray for all.The most famous times to visit are either during the East Asian rainy season , when the rains make the moss particularly lush, or in late autumn, when the turning leaves contrast with the moss.



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